Iridology is the art and science of analyzing the markings and structures of the iris in the eye. It dates as far back as 1000 BC when the Chaldeans of Babylonia carved slabs representing the iris and its relationship to the rest of the body. Dr. Igantz von Peczely was one of the first known iridologists. In 1886 Peczely's Iridology chart was published. Other European doctors over the years made valuable contributions to the field of iridology. 1909 to 1983, Dr. John Christopher, the founder of the School of Natural Healing in Utah, USA was a renowned herbalist and iridologist. Dr. Bernard Jensen, the most recognized iridologist of the modern age is where I learned and received my Certification of Iridology in 2002 and have been practising ever since. My inspiration to learn and practice Iridology, started after witnessing so much help provided in the community and other areas of the GTA, as well as internationally, by Herbalist and Iridologist Dr. Shamshudin Juma. Iridology provides a simple, painless, economical means of looking into the body. The practitioner studying the client's eye will focus on the major patterns and types of the iris and discovers how to incorporate healthy life style practises for their clients. Foods and supplements for building good health may be suggested. Iridologists and herbalists teach nutrition as the normal needs in health. Iridology is used in conjunction with herbs, good nutrition, healing energies and a healing attitude.
Dr. Bernard Jensen states, iridology can reveal
Acute and chronic problems which may have a constitutional background, related to, acquired, or hereditary characteristics
The primary nutritional needs of the body
The inherent strength or weakness of organs, glands, and tissues, which organs are needing nutritional support and aid
The relative amount of toxic buildup and where it is situated; where inflammation is located in the body
Under-activity, or sluggishness, of the bowel, spastic and ballooned conditions of the bowel and if the bowel needs cleansing, prolapses and transverse colon
The circulation level in various organs and nerve depletion
Lymphatic congestion
Poor assimilation of nutrients
The buildup of toxic material before the manifestation of a disease
Genetic weaknesses affecting the nerves and blood supply
The recuperative ability and health level of the body; healing signs indicating an increase of strength in an organ, gland or tissue
Positive and negative nutritional and emotional needs of the body
Sources of infection; acidity of the body and catarrh development
The potential for senility
The effects of a polluted environment adrenal exhaustion and the whole, or overall, health level of the body
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